Sunday, 10 June 2007

Fade in

Broadening out the topic a bit, as promised, here are some great first episodes:

Life on Mars – possibly the best first 20 minutes of any TV show ever. A masterclass in setting up a complicated story with economy, humour and incredible dramatic power. And John Simm’s brilliant in it. (Such a shame that he couldn’t act ‘happy’ when he was overlooked for a BAFTA at the recent TV awards. You’d think ten seconds of fake smiling wouldn’t be beyond him.)

The rest of that first episode is still really good, if not quite as perfect. Which is why, for a first episode that is pant-sweatingly exciting and positively compels you to watch the rest of the series, 24 is still the number one.

And, as for comedies, I still maintain that the best ever episode of the (until recently) phenomenally entertaining Curb Your Enthusiasm is the very first, called ‘The Pants Tent’.* It is the model for every subsequent episode (or at least for every good subsequent episode) and yet is hilarious even if it’s the only one you ever saw.

Funny then, that the first episode of Arrested Development is one of the weakest. Too much heavy-handed exposition, too much even heavier-handed kookiness, and a significant smattering of schmaltz. AD became one of the best ever sitcoms, but its beginnings were not particularly auspicious. Which I guess – despite the focus of my last two posts – is a lesson for us all.

* For pedants: I know there was an hour-long special before the series proper, but that’s so not the first episode. I can justify that position at length if required.

1 comment:

Camtronic4000 said...

The first episode of Dear John is a perfectly formed comedy gem, and I'm quite fond of the first episode of 30 Rock too, as frenetic as it is. I'd also throw in Frasier and Northern Exposure as well.